Follow these steps to make it possible for you (or anyone blog administrator) to add gadgets to the area about your blog's heading section:
1 Edit your blog's template (Design > Edit HTML)
2 Download a full copy of your template, and put it somewhere safe (in case something goes wrong, and you need to restore from it). (Download full template)
3 Find this code in your template:
4 Change it to
5 Click Preview, to check that your template is working:
This shows you a view of the screen, but you won't be able to click the items on the preview srcreen. It's a good idea to do this even for very simple changes, so that you know that they will save correctly.
6 Click Save to apply the changes to your blog's template.
7 Quickly test your blog, to make sure that nothing else was accidentally changed. At very least, you should click one of each "type" of link on the main page (eg one post title, one page tab, on search button)
You will see that now you can put your gadgets above your can put more then 4 just change the number from 4 to whatever you like.
1 Edit your blog's template (Design > Edit HTML)
2 Download a full copy of your template, and put it somewhere safe (in case something goes wrong, and you need to restore from it). (Download full template)
3 Find this code in your template:
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>(You may find it easier to use your browser's search tool, eg Edit>Find in Firefox, to look for a key phrase like "id='Header1')
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='YOUR BLOG TITLE(Header)' type='Header'/>
4 Change it to
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='4' showaddelement='yes'>Note that there are two changes made:
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='YOUR BLOG TITLE(Header)' type='Header'/>
- Setting maxwidgets to greater than 1, and
- Setting showaddelement to Yes, instead of No
5 Click Preview, to check that your template is working:
This shows you a view of the screen, but you won't be able to click the items on the preview srcreen. It's a good idea to do this even for very simple changes, so that you know that they will save correctly.
6 Click Save to apply the changes to your blog's template.
7 Quickly test your blog, to make sure that nothing else was accidentally changed. At very least, you should click one of each "type" of link on the main page (eg one post title, one page tab, on search button)
You will see that now you can put your gadgets above your can put more then 4 just change the number from 4 to whatever you like.