Add Google Adsense to Blogger Header

How To Add Google Adsense to the Header (Above the Title)
If you want to add Google Adsense to your header for instance above the title you can by adjusting your template to give you the option of adding more than one widget to the header area.

  1. Login to Blogger and navigate to Design > Edit HTML
  2. Back up your template as a precaution by downloading the full template to your computer
  3. Using CTRL + F to bring up the search box find the following line of code. For default Blogger templates - Layout (2006) such as Minima, Thisaway and Sand Dollar and for many custom templates find <div id='header-wrapper'>

    For new Blogger templates such as Simple and Awesome Inc find this line <div class='region-inner header-inner'>
  4. Replace the following code in red:
    <div id='header-wrapper'>
    <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>


    <div id='header-wrapper'>
    <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes'>
  5. Save Template
  6. Navigate to Design > Page Elements (previously Layout > Page Elements) and view the new option to add a gadget to the header area

  1. Click on Add a Gadget and select the Google Adsense gadget.
  2. Choose the type of ad unit you want. For this example I chose a new linked 728x15 ad unit from the dropdown format menu for an Adsense ad that would sit above the blog title. Configure colors if necessary. Color blending is usually done automatically by Blogger according to the color schema of your template.
  3. Click Save
  4. Click View Blog to see your new Google Adsense unit in place. All going well your new ad unit should appear in blo header